Monza headlight/lens/gasket assembly

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Monza headlight/lens/gasket assembly

Postby Medoro » Tue Jul 22, 2014 8:28 pm

OK lets go easy as this is my first post ever on this forum.
I did search the topic and got no hits.
My question is: On a 1966 Monza does the headlight lens fit into the reflector with the rubber gasket around that combo and then into the rim or
does the gasket fit around the lens alone then get placed into the reflector and then into the rim? The light was bodged when I got it so I got a gasket but am not sure on proper reassembly.
Bonus question: Under proper operation, will the charge indicator be lit at all or just at idle speed and then go off as revs come up?

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Re: Monza headlight/lens/gasket assembly

Postby DewCatTea-Bob » Wed Jul 23, 2014 4:16 pm

[quote= Medoro ...
" this is my first post ever on this forum. "

____ Welcome as our newest member !

" I did search the topic and got no hits. "

____ Quite understandable, as I don't recall anyone ever bringing-up such before.

" On a 1966 Monza does the headlight lens fit into the reflector with the rubber gasket around that combo and then into the rim or
does the gasket fit around the lens alone then get placed into the reflector and then into the rim? "

____ I take it that your "1966 Monza" is either a 'Monza Jr' or a non-USA 250-model !? _ Cuz a '66 250-Monza Made for USA version, ought-to have a 'sealed-beam' type headlight !
__ Anyhow, the (whitish-colored) rubber-seal for the glass-lens was only expected to fit-around just the lens itself !

" will the charge indicator be lit at all or just at idle speed and then go off as revs come up? "

____ Good-question ! _ The way it's meant to work can be confusing if ya don't realize what it's supposed to be doing ! _ But otherwise, for being just a mere 'light', it actually indicates quite a bit...
__ When the engine is not running (and the battery is fully charged), then that indicator-light will be as bright as it ever gets,, as that's when the battery is discharging through it.
However when the engine is idling, the light will dim-down slightly because the battery's rate of discharge has lessened since the charging-system is then contributing to the load-system. _ And as the engine-RPM increases, the light will become dimmer & dimmer until it completely goes-out, (which is a balanced-state that's not easy to maintain because that's the narrow RPM.range-band at which point the charging-system is then 'breaking-even'). _ Then as the RPMs continue to climb-upward, the current-flow through the charge-indicator light-filament will then reverse direction and-thus the light will begin to grow brighter & brighter (as revs climb), and thusly indicate that the battery has transitioned to a charging-state.
The charge-indicator light-function will never get fully bright (in charging-state), due-to the regulator-circuit curtailing excessive charging-rate.

PLEASE NOTE... If this-post is not-yet signed-off with '-Bob', then I'm still in the process of completing it,, and if not also included with 'DCT' near bottom as well, then I may edit this post's wording at a later time. - Dct.Bob

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