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Re: diana mark 3 wiring

Posted: Thu Mar 13, 2014 1:27 am
by DewCatTea-Bob
[quote= hobby ...
" I have one question after all this confusion about names, what in your opinion is the correct model name for the bike in the top picture? "

____ Rather than MY-opinion, I'd prefer for everyone to know it exactly as how Ducati-themselves had coined it ! _ And Ducati made no name-distinction between the various Mark-III versions prior to when they began using Mach-I parts for the Mark-three line, (at which point it became the 'Mark 3' for 1965).
So both of those versions of your posted-pix had the very-same official-name, which I believe is '250 Diana Mark III',, however I'm not absolutely positive of exactly where the "250" section goes, and-so the correct-name could possibly really rather be Diana 250 Mark III. ...
__ I wanted to be positively-sure about this, so I had just spent some (more*) time looking for my most-closely related early Mark-III owner's-manual, (but I've now given-up for this day). _ (* Earlier today, your two posted-pix [with their differing rear-fenders], had inspired me to bother myself to look-up that manual and see which version that IT had displayed on it's front-cover. _ But then I became pretty steamed-up & UPSET because it [and MUCH other stuff to-boot] was no-longer still to be found where I had once kept it back before I got taken into the hospital last October... As while I was gone from home, someone came into my house [without asking for permission !], and moved a great deal of my belongings to other rooms in my house & places where I now have little idea of exactly where to look for such missing-things which got moved-around & now lost ! _ [And I guess I wasn't completely over-with being rightfully-disappointed, when I then-next got back on-line & wrote my previous-post].)

" I just posted these two photos for interest sake and mainly to show the advertisement of the model that looks closest to the one I have being the top photo. "

____ Yes, THANKS for that ! _ As I don't think I've ever before been so-much aware that there was ever more than one rear-fender type for the pre-1964 Mark-III model-line.

" I do not mean to upset anyone. "

____ I-myself was really not upset with you-yourself anymore than a written-English teacher would be expected to be upset with some student who seemingly hasn't ever learned to dot his i's & cross his t's !
So NO actual big-concern !

" I assume the correct name/model of my bike as I understand your communications is Ducati Diana 4 speed 250 Mark III? "

____ Well no, not really,, as far as official Ducati model-names go.
And to rather distinctly determine your specific model-version, it would take someone who was closely following the Ducati model-line back in those-days,, (and I-myself was too young THEN -[before 1965] to care very-much about motorcycles and keep such minor-details all-straight).
However I believe it's certainly fair for your Mark-III to be considered as what's been commonly referred-to as an "early" Mark-III, (but of-course, that's not-really a 'name',, but rather, a kind of designation).
__ Concerning such early/pre-64 Mark-III model-versions,, I haven't adopted any related info claimed in published-books (because they were all published after I retired from DUCATIs), and-so only have just my-own rather relatively SPARSE information which I gathered during the years soon following that which I gained when the newer/updated Mark-three models came-out & replaced the early-versions. _ So since very-little of my-own knowledge is from firsthand-experience, I'd thus be inclined to rather believe the published-books on any points of which there may seem to be any disagreement on. ...
__ Starting from the beginning of what I have,, I've heard that the very-first Mark-IIIs to come-into the U.S., were of a very small batch, (like from 3 to 20 units, [no more than 50, would be my certain guess], and these examples would be the only ones suspected of not being equipped with kick-starters). _ This FIRST-batch may have been built in late-61, and may have looked like the pictured version with the shorter rear-fender, (although I heard that they also came with race-type full-body fairings). _ They definitely had just the 2-wire alt.mag & the 4-speed trans, and, (except for the fuel-tank), all the same body-parts as that of the first Motocross-model. _ The second (and/or perhaps third) batch of imported Mark-IIIs,, pretty-much just as such as the version pictured earlier in this thread, was most-certainly same as that.
For successive batches of updated-versions of the Mark-III line, (which replaced the line of 'early' Mark-III model-versions,, the first things to get replaced,
were the 2-wire alt.mag & rear-fender mounted taillight (and possibly the Motocross-headlamp along-with also then, as well), and-then getting a 3-wire alt.mag & taillight-bracket setup with twin-filament lamp. _ Then the next updated version-batch,, certainly by-then got a headlamp with speedo-hole (although perhaps without speedometer, but rather a hole-cover), and full-arc type fenders, rear, (& especially) front.
Then the last update-change before the specific '1964Mark-III' model-version came to-be, was the 5-speed motor, (sometime within 1963).
Other than the sure presents of a speedometer, (and possibly a slightly differently constructed seat), I can't think of anything else much different between this most-updated pre-64 Mk.III-version, and the '1964-model'.
__ I can't really be sure of exactly when all those various part-change updates occurred, but I am rather sure of the order in which they got updated. _ So but it could possibly be that ALL the other various updated-changes listed between the time-points of the elimination of the 2-wire alt.mag, and the elimination of the 4-speed trans,, all may've been done, possibly all-together at-once.


Re: diana mark 3 wiring

Posted: Thu Mar 13, 2014 1:45 pm
by machten
As promised, here's a pic of the LED strip for a brake light in the tail light of this Duke


I share the view that there is an engagement gear mesh mismatch on the kickstart. I don't think they are compatible gears. As anyone monitoring this thread would be aware, information on this early model is sparse. We'll iterate to the solution as best we can with the limited information we have.


Re: diana mark 3 wiring

Posted: Sun Mar 16, 2014 9:48 am
by DewCatTea-Bob
[quote= machten ...
" here's a pic of the LED strip for a brake light in the tail light "

____ Thanks for posting a pic of it, (although I had sort-of expected to see it as mounted on the fender).
__ I seem to find your picture to be a bit too dark to see very well, and-also, it's a bit too large to make good use of the fully expanded view option -(2nd-click),, so I've modified your pic (here below) to help improve these two aspects.

" information on this early model is sparse. We'll iterate to the solution as best we can with the limited information we have. "

____ Exactly what more info in particular, could you use ?


Re: diana mark 3 wiring

Posted: Sun Mar 16, 2014 1:16 pm
by hobby
The led is a two section from a 4 section led strip, so cut in half and re soldered the wires. This gives you 4 led lights points. It's then fitted into its cut short protective plastic housing tube. This the fits snugly between the back plate and the top reflector part of the lens. It's bright, small and keeps the VERY expensive light in tact. I have seen a lens for these sell for USD$550 on ebay. Never seen a complete tail light come up for sale yet.

Btw the led came from the USA.. I can find out from where if you if you wish.

Hope this helps bob

Re: diana mark 3 wiring

Posted: Sun Mar 16, 2014 1:42 pm
by Eldert
Hi Paul

replica taillights are for sale in Italy for less than 30 euro

the lens is available to




Re: diana mark 3 wiring

Posted: Mon Mar 17, 2014 7:48 pm
by double diamond
Anyone know of a source for just the housing (no lens) for this type of taillight?


Re: diana mark 3 wiring

Posted: Mon Mar 17, 2014 9:13 pm
by Rick
This housing is fabricated and welded instead of formed/drawn like the original, but it would do while you look for an original- not easy to find. ... -2772.html